

Diagram Editing on Interactive Displays Using Multi-touch and Pen Gestures

13 years 12 months ago
Diagram Editing on Interactive Displays Using Multi-touch and Pen Gestures
Creating and editing graphs and node-link diagrams by means of digital tools are crucial activities in domains such as software or business process modeling. However, these tools have several drawbacks with regard to interaction techniques and usability. In order to address these issues, we investigate the promising combination of pen and multi-touch input on interactive displays. In this work, we contribute a gesture set to make the interaction with diagrams more efficient and effective by means of pen and hand gestures. Thereby, two prevalent mental models are supported: structural editing and sketching. The gesture set is based on the results of a previous pilot study asking users for suggestions to accomplish diagram editing tasks on tabletops. In this paper, we provide a careful analysis of the resulting userelicited gestures. We propose solutions to resolve ambiguities within this gesture collection and discuss design decisions for a comprehensible diagram editor. We also present...
Mathias Frisch, Jens Heydekorn, Raimund Dachselt
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Mathias Frisch, Jens Heydekorn, Raimund Dachselt
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