

Differential Earth Mover's Distance with Its Applications to Visual Tracking

13 years 4 months ago
Differential Earth Mover's Distance with Its Applications to Visual Tracking
The Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) is a similarity measure that captures perceptual difference between two distributions. Its computational complexity, however, prevents a direct use in many applications. This paper proposes a novel Differential EMD (DEMD) algorithm based on the sensitivity analysis of the simplex method and offers a speedup at orders of magnitude compared with its bruteforce counterparts. The DEMD algorithm is discussed and empirically verified in the visual tracking context. The deformations of the distributions for objects at different time instances are accommodated well by the EMD, and the differential algorithm makes the use of EMD in real-time tracking possible. To further reduce the computation, signatures, i.e., variable-size descriptions of distributions, are employed as an object representation. The new algorithm models and estimates local background scenes as well as foreground objects to handle scale changes in a principled way. Extensive quantitative e...
Qi Zhao, Zhi Yang, Hai Tao
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PAMI
Authors Qi Zhao, Zhi Yang, Hai Tao
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