

Distributed Routing, Relay Selection, and Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive and Cooperative Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 4 days ago
Distributed Routing, Relay Selection, and Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive and Cooperative Ad Hoc Networks
Throughput maximization is a key challenge in cognitive radio ad hoc networks, where the availability of local spectrum resources may change from time to time and hopby-hop. To achieve this objective, cooperative transmission is a promising technique to increase the capacity of relay links by exploiting spatial diversity without multiple antennas at each node. This idea is particularly attractive in wireless environments due to the diverse channel quality and the limited energy and bandwidth resources. In this paper, decentralized and localized algorithms for joint dynamic routing, relay assignment, and spectrum allocation in a distributed and dynamic environment are proposed and studied. A cross-layer protocol to implement the joint routing, relay selection, and dynamic spectrum allocation algorithm is also introduced, and its performance is evaluated through simulation. Performance evaluation results show that the proposed protocol achieves much higher throughput than solutions that ...
Lei Ding, Tommaso Melodia, Stella N. Batalama, Joh
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Lei Ding, Tommaso Melodia, Stella N. Batalama, John D. Matyjas
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