

Distributed XML design

15 years 2 months ago
Distributed XML design
A distributed XML document is an XML document that spans several machines or Web repositories. We assume that a distribution design of the document tree is given, providing an XML tree some of whose leaves are "docking points", to which XML subtrees can be attached. These subtrees may be provided and controlled by peers at remote locations, or may correspond to the result of function calls, e.g., Web services. If a global type , e.g. a DTD, is specified for a distributed document T, it would be most desirable to be able to break this type into a collection of local types, called a local typing, such that the document satisfies if and only if each peer (or function) satisfies its local type. In this paper we lay out the fundamentals of a theory of local typing and provide formal definitions of three main variants of locality: local typing, maximal local typing, and perfect typing, the latter being the most desirable. We study the following relevant decision problems: (i) giv...
Serge Abiteboul, Georg Gottlob, Marco Manna
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PODS
Authors Serge Abiteboul, Georg Gottlob, Marco Manna
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