

Do Sensornet Protocol Variants Yield Real Benefits?

14 years 1 months ago
Do Sensornet Protocol Variants Yield Real Benefits?
Simple, stateless networking protocols provide a low-cost and predictable foundation upon which to build decentralised applications. Sensornets are complex, containing emergent behaviour; identifying protocols offering appropriate behaviour may be difficult. In this paper we evaluate the relative performance of gossiping protocol variants in non-ideal sensornets. We examine the extent to which a "standard" gossiping protocol might be outperformed by variants of this standard, each specialised and optimised to mitigate anticipated problems. We categorise and measure the undesired behaviours that remain, as a foundation for future protocols which will address these specific issues.
Jonathan Tate, Iain Bate
Added 02 Sep 2010
Updated 02 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ECBS
Authors Jonathan Tate, Iain Bate
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