

Doubly-Focused Enumeration of Pseudosquares and Pseudocubes

14 years 5 months ago
Doubly-Focused Enumeration of Pseudosquares and Pseudocubes
This paper offers numerical evidence for a conjecture that primality proving may be done in (log N)3+o(1) operations by examining the growth rate of quantities known as pseudosquares and pseudocubes. In the process, a novel method of solving simultaneous congruences-doubly-focused enumeration-- is examined. This technique, first described by D. J. Bernstein, allowed us to obtain record-setting sieve computations in software on general purpose computers. 1 Motivation In August 2002, Agrawal, Kayal,and Saxena [1] described an unconditional, deterministic algorithm for proving primality with time complexity (log N)10.5+o(1) . This result was later improved by Lenstra and Pomerance (described in [5]) to (log N)6+o(1) . Bernstein [6] (and independently Cheng [10]) then generalized an argument of Berrizbeitia [7] to produce a random-time primality provining algorithm with complexity (log N)4+0(1) . Given these results, an obvious question to ask may be: "how far can the time complexity ...
Kjell Wooding, Hugh C. Williams
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ANTS
Authors Kjell Wooding, Hugh C. Williams
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