

Drivers and Challenges of Wireless Solutions in Future Healthcare

14 years 8 months ago
Drivers and Challenges of Wireless Solutions in Future Healthcare
What do IT oriented healthcare people think to be most attractive and credible wireless applications in healthcare? What do they think about the challenges? These questions were presented to 70 participants randomly in HIMSS08 conference in February 2008, Orlando, USA. The questions were formulated in a one page query form with a two dimensional driver chart and one dimensional challenge chart. Proposed drivers and challenges were selected by the authors within a roadmapping project (Wirhe) where wireless future dimensions of healthcare are examined more deeply. The selected evaluators were motivated by a raffle of a Nokia’s smartphone. The evaluators placed the proposed drivers and challenges on the charts by using a pen and answered on two background questions about their expertise area and country. The data was uploaded into ZEF-analysis tool ( and the reports were processed both by direct calculation and applying z-scoring method. Results show that in averag...
Esko Alasaarela, Ravi Nemana, Steven DeMello
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Esko Alasaarela, Ravi Nemana, Steven DeMello
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