

Dynamic on-demand updating of data in real-time database systems

14 years 7 months ago
Dynamic on-demand updating of data in real-time database systems
The amount of data handled by real-time and embedded applications is increasing. Also, applications normally have constraints with respect to freshness and timeliness of the data they use, i.e., results must be produced within a deadline using accurate data. This calls for data-centric approaches when designing embedded systems, where data and its meta-information (temporal correctness requirements etc) are stored centrally. The focus of this paper is on maintaining data freshness in soft real-time embedded systems and the target application is vehicular systems. The contributions of this paper are three-fold. We (i) define a specific notion of data freshness by adopting data similarity in the value-domain of data items using data validity bounds that express required accuracy of data, (ii) present a scheme for managing updates in response to changes in the data items; and (iii) present a new on-demand scheduling algorithm, On-Demand Depth-First Traversal denoted ODDFT, for enforcin...
Thomas Gustafsson, Jörgen Hansson
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SAC
Authors Thomas Gustafsson, Jörgen Hansson
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