

Efficient Data Harvesting for Tracing Phenomena in Sensor Networks

14 years 4 months ago
Efficient Data Harvesting for Tracing Phenomena in Sensor Networks
Many publisWsubscribe systems have been built using wireless sensor networks, WSNs, deployedfor real-world environmentaldata collection, securitymonitoring,and object tracking. Howevel; researcheffortson WSN-basedpub1isWsubscribesystems have largelyfocused on routingalgorithms leaving data management issues mostly untouched. This paper considers a publisWsubscribe system built on top of a sensor network that monitors the occurrences of phenomena. In questfor explanations to the occurrence of a phenomenon, a subscriber poses one-time queries to the sensor network for sensor readings taken seconds or minutes before the reportedphenomenon occurred. These types of queries cannot be satisjed by subscriptions since subscriptions are only effective in delivering streams of new phenomena. To eficiently answer such queries, it is imperative that a Data Farm of sensor readings be cultivated within WSNs. This paper proposes a new algorithmfor archiving sensor readings on Data Farm that leverages...
Adesola Omotayo, Moustafa A. Hammad, Ken Barker
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Adesola Omotayo, Moustafa A. Hammad, Ken Barker
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