

Efficient Set Similarity Joins Using Min-prefixes

14 years 5 months ago
Efficient Set Similarity Joins Using Min-prefixes
Identification of all objects in a dataset whose similarity is not less than a specified threshold is of major importance for management, search, and analysis of data. Set similarity joins are commonly used to implement this operation; they scale to large datasets and are versatile to represent a variety of similarity notions. Most set similarity join methods proposed so far present two main phases at a high level of ion: candidate generation producing a set of candidate pairs and verification applying the actual similarity measure to the candidates and returning the correct answer. Previous work has primarily focused on the reduction of candidates, where candidate generation presented the major effort to obtain better pruning results. Here, we propose an opposite approach. We drastically decrease the computational cost of candidate generation by dynamically reducing the number of indexed objects at the expense of increasing the workload of the verification phase. Our experimental find...
Leonardo Ribeiro, Theo Härder
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Leonardo Ribeiro, Theo Härder
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