

An evolutionary algorithm to generate hyper-ellipsoid detectors for negative selection

14 years 4 months ago
An evolutionary algorithm to generate hyper-ellipsoid detectors for negative selection
This paper introduces hyper-ellipsoids as an improvement to hyper-spheres as intrusion detectors in a negative selection problem within an artificial immune system. Since hyper-spheres are a specialization of hyper-ellipsoids, hyperellipsoids retain the benefits of hyper-spheres. However, hyper-ellipsoids are much more flexible, mostly in that they can be stretched and reoriented. The viability of using hyper-ellipsoids is established using several pedagogical problems. We conjecture that fewer hyper-ellipsoids than hyperspheres are needed to achieve similar coverage of nonself space in a negative selection problem. Experimentation validates this conjecture. In pedagogical benchmark problems, the number of hyper-ellipsoids to achieve good results is significantly ( 50%) smaller than the associated number of hyper-spheres. Categories and Subject Descriptors F.2 [Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity]: Miscellaneous; E.1 [DataStructures]: Trees General Terms Algorithms Keywo...
Joseph M. Shapiro, Gary B. Lamont, Gilbert L. Pete
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Joseph M. Shapiro, Gary B. Lamont, Gilbert L. Peterson
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