

Experimental Evaluation of Feedback Modalities for Five Teleoperation Tasks

13 years 8 months ago
Experimental Evaluation of Feedback Modalities for Five Teleoperation Tasks
A distributed telerobotic system is proposed based on a master-arm station that is interconnected by a computer network to a slave-arm station. The distributed telerobotic system is evaluated using a set of teleoperated experiments: 1) peg-inhole insertion; 2) assembly of a small water pump; 3) operating drawers; 4) pouring of water; and 5) wire wrapping. Direct teleoperation is evaluated using the following schemes: 1) stereo vision; 2) vision and force feedback (VFF); and 3) vision with active compliance (VAC). Space indexing and scaling tools are also used. Operator hand is logically mapped to a remote tool both in position and force. The operator feels the forces that were exerted on the tool as they were exerted on the hand. Extensive experimental analysis showed that mapping of operator hand motion and force feedback (FF) to a convenient tool point reduces the operator mental load and task time due to highly coordinated motion. Stereo vision may solely be used at the cost of larg...
Mayez A. Al-Mouhamed, Mohammad Nazeeruddin, S. M.
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIM
Authors Mayez A. Al-Mouhamed, Mohammad Nazeeruddin, S. M. S. Islam
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