

Extensibility and Modularity for Model Driven Engineering Environments

14 years 3 months ago
Extensibility and Modularity for Model Driven Engineering Environments
Model Driven Engineering has shown the feasibility to generate tools (editors, analyzers …) from models and for a domain. Unfortunately these generated tools are much focused while a large application spans different domains and different activities; currently these tools do not support concurrent engineering, and incomplete life cycle support. In a similar way we developed a technology capable of generating a complete Computer Aided Domain Specific Environment (CADSE) from a set of model and metamodels describing the specific domain and the environment behavior. Our technology solves the above two problems, allowing defining a number of CADSE addressing specific activities, as extensions and adaptation of a core CADSE; and relying on workspaces. CADSEs workspaces are model driven; they contain tools, models and usual artifacts (code, documents...); they support different activities by switching from an activity to another one, and concurrent engineering is supported through import/...
Thomas Leveque, Jacky Estublier, Germán Veg
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ECBS
Authors Thomas Leveque, Jacky Estublier, Germán Vega
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