

Extension and evaluation of sensitivity analysis capabilities in a photochemical model

13 years 10 months ago
Extension and evaluation of sensitivity analysis capabilities in a photochemical model
The decoupled direct method in three dimensions (DDM-3D) provides an efficient and accurate approach for probing the sensitivity of atmospheric pollutant concentrations to various changes in photochemical model inputs. The implementation of DDM-3D for the widely used Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model was updated to account for recent changes in the base model and to include additional chemical mechanisms and advection schemes. The capabilities of CMAQeDDM-3D were extended to enable execution using multiple processors in parallel and the computation of sensitivities to chemical reaction rate constants. The resulting direct sensitivity modeling system was tested for statistical agreement with the traditional difference method for calculating sensitivities, considering a summer episode in a domain covering the continental United States. Sensitivities to domain-wide and sector specific emissions, initial/boundary conditions, and chemical reaction rates were compared and found ...
S. L. Napelenok, D. S. Cohan, M. T. Odman, S. Tons
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors S. L. Napelenok, D. S. Cohan, M. T. Odman, S. Tonse
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