

Eye movement predictions on natural videos

14 years 2 months ago
Eye movement predictions on natural videos
We analyze the predictability of eye movements of observers viewing dynamic scenes. We first assess the effectiveness of model-based prediction. The model is divided into inter-saccade prediction, which is based on a limited history of attended locations, and saccade prediction, which is based on a list of salient locations. The quality of the predictions and of the underlying saliency maps is tested on a large set of eye movement data recorded on high-resolution real-world video sequences. In addition, frequently fixated locations are used to predict individual eye movements to obtain a reference for model-based predictions. Key words: Eye movement prediction; saccade prediction; scan-path; saliency maps
Martin Böhme, Michael Dorr, Christopher Kraus
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where IJON
Authors Martin Böhme, Michael Dorr, Christopher Krause, Thomas Martinetz, Erhardt Barth
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