

A-FAST: Autonomous Flow Approach to Scheduling Tasks

14 years 3 months ago
A-FAST: Autonomous Flow Approach to Scheduling Tasks
Abstract. This paper investigates the problem of autonomously allocating a large number of independent, equal sized tasks on a distributed heterogeneous grid-like platform, using only local information. We propose A-FAST (Autonomous Flow Approach to Scheduling Tasks), an efficient, scalable, dynamic and generic (imposing no restrictions on the topology) protocol for this purpose. Motivated by the idea of pressure guiding the flow in fluid networks, A-FAST only uses parameters available locally to a node to guide scheduling decisions. Simulations show that the protocol performs well over a variety of networks, averaging more than 99.5% of the optimal performance and outperforms related techniques like RID (Receiver Initiated Diffusion). We also show how a modified use of local information can improve the performance of an unreliable system. Preliminary results from implementing A-FAST on a small but real-life distributed system show the performance of our protocol to be near the max...
Sagnik Nandy, Larry Carter, Jeanne Ferrante
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where HIPC
Authors Sagnik Nandy, Larry Carter, Jeanne Ferrante
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