

Finite Element based sequential Bayesian Non-Rigid Structure from Motion

12 years 13 days ago
Finite Element based sequential Bayesian Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
Navier’s equations modelling linear elastic solid deformations are embedded within an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to compute a sequential Bayesian estimate for the Non-Rigid Structure from Motion problem. The algorithm processes every single frame of a sequence gathered with a full perspective camera. No prior data association is assumed because matches are computed within the EKF prediction-match-update cycle. Scene is coded as a Finite Element Method (FEM) elastic thin-plate solid, where the discretization nodes are the sparse set of scene points salient in the image. It is assumed a set of Gaussian forces acting on solid nodes to cause scene deformation. The EKF combines in a feedback loop an approximate FEM model and the frame rate measurements from the camera, resulting in an efficient method to embed Navier’s equations without resorting to expensive non-linear FEM models. Classical FEM modelling has implied an interactive identification of boundary points to constrain the...
Antonio Agudo, Begoña Calvo, J. M. M. Monti
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CVPR
Authors Antonio Agudo, Begoña Calvo, J. M. M. Montiel
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