

An FPTAS for Flows over Time with Aggregate Arc Capacities

14 years 7 days ago
An FPTAS for Flows over Time with Aggregate Arc Capacities
We study flows over time in networks with transit times on the arcs. Transit times describe how long it takes to traverse an arc. A flow over time specifies for each arc a time-dependent flow rate that must always be bounded by the arc's capacity. Only recently, Melkonian introduced an alternative model where so-called bridge capacities bound the total amount of flow traveling along an arc, at any point of time. The contribution of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we introduce a common generalization of both the classical flow over time model and Melkonian's model. Secondly, we present a non-trivial extension of an FPTAS by Fleischer and Skutella to our new flow model. Prior to this, no approximation algorithm was known for Melkonian's model. Key words: network flow, dynamic flow, arc capacity, approximation algorithm
Daniel Dressler, Martin Skutella
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where WAOA
Authors Daniel Dressler, Martin Skutella
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