

Geometric Spanners for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 5 months ago
Geometric Spanners for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract—We propose a new geometric spanner for wireless ad hoc networks, which can be constructed efficiently in a distributed manner. It integrates the connected dominating set and the local Delaunay graph to form a backbone of the wireless network. Priori arts showed that both structures can be constructed locally with bounded communication costs. This new spanner has these following attractive properties: (1) the backbone is a planar graph; (2) the node degree of the backbone is bounded from above by a positive constant; (3) it is a spanner for both hops and length; (4) it can be constructed locally and is easy to maintain when the nodes move around; (5) moreover, the computation cost of each node is at most  ¢¡¤£¦¥¨§©£ , where £ is its 1-hop neighbors in the original unit disk graph, and the communication cost of each node is bounded by a constant. Simulation results are also presented for studying its practical performance. Keywords— Connected dominating set,...
Yu Wang 0003, Xiang-Yang Li
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Yu Wang 0003, Xiang-Yang Li
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