

Graaasp: a web 2.0 research platform for contextual recommendation with aggregated data

14 years 4 months ago
Graaasp: a web 2.0 research platform for contextual recommendation with aggregated data
In this paper we describe Graaasp, a social software currently under development to support the creation of a real usage database of social artifacts. Our goals are twofold: First to offer a generic aggregation service and user interface to people and communities. Second, to experiment with recommendation and reputation models and algorithms in e-learning. Keywords Focal and contextual views, Web 2.0, Social Software, Syndication, social computing, social navigation ACM Classification Keywords H5.3 Information Interfaces and Presentation: Group and Organization Interfaces, Computer-supported cooperative work, Web-based interaction. General Terms Design, Human Factors.
Evgeny Bogdanov, Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet, Chr
Added 29 Sep 2010
Updated 29 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CHI
Authors Evgeny Bogdanov, Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet, Christophe Salzmann, Stéphane Sire
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