

Graph Cut Based Multiple View Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction

14 years 8 months ago
Graph Cut Based Multiple View Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction
In this paper we propose a novel framework for efficiently extracting foreground objects in so called shortbaseline image sequences. We apply the obtained segmentation to improve subsequent 3D reconstruction results. Essentially, our framework combines a graph cut based optimization algorithm with an intuitive user interface. At first a meanshift segmentation algorithm partitions each image of the sequence into a certain number of regions. Additionally we provide an intelligent graphical user interface for easy specification of foreground as well as background regions across all images of the sequence. Within the graph cut optimization algorithm we define new energy terms to increase the robustness and to keep the segmentation of the foreground object coherent across all images of the sequence. Finally, a refined graph cut segmentation and several adjustment operations allow an accurate and effective foreground extraction. The obtained results are demonstrated on several real wor...
Mario Sormann, Christopher Zach, Konrad F. Karner
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where 3DPVT
Authors Mario Sormann, Christopher Zach, Konrad F. Karner
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