

Graphical models for online solutions to interactive POMDPs

14 years 8 months ago
Graphical models for online solutions to interactive POMDPs
We develop a new graphical representation for interactive partially observable Markov decision processes (I-POMDPs) that is significantly more transparent and semantically clear than the previous representation. These graphical models called interactive dynamic influence diagrams (I-DIDs) seek to explicitly model the structure that is often present in real-world problems by decomposing the situation into chance and decision variables, and the dependencies between the variables. I-DIDs generalize DIDs, which may be viewed as graphical representations of POMDPs, to multiagent settings in the same way that I-POMDPs generalize POMDPs. I-DIDs may be used to compute the policy of an agent online as the agent acts and observes in a setting that is populated by other interacting agents. Using several examples, we show how I-DIDs may be applied and demonstrate their usefulness. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.11 [Distributed Artificial Intelligence]: Multiagent Systems General Terms T...
Prashant Doshi, Yifeng Zeng, Qiongyu Chen
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ATAL
Authors Prashant Doshi, Yifeng Zeng, Qiongyu Chen
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