

Head-body partitioned string matching for Deep Packet Inspection with scalable and attack-resilient performance

13 years 11 months ago
Head-body partitioned string matching for Deep Packet Inspection with scalable and attack-resilient performance
Abstract--Dictionary-based string matching (DBSM) is a critical component of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), where thousands of malicious patterns are matched against high-bandwidth network traffic. Deterministic finite automata constructed with the Aho-Corasick algorithm (AC-DFA) have been widely used for solving this problem. However, the state transition table (STT) of a large-scale DBSM AC-DFA can span hundreds of megabytes of system memory, whose limited bandwidth and long latency could become the performance bottleneck We propose a novel partitioning algorithm which converts an AC-DFA into a "head" and a "body" parts. The head part behaves as a traditional ACDFA that matches the pattern prefixes up to a predefined length; the body part extends any head match to the full pattern length in parallel body-tree traversals. Taking advantage of the SIMD instructions in modern x86-64 multi-core processors, we design compact and efficient data structures packing multi-pa...
Yi-Hua E. Yang, Viktor K. Prasanna, Chenqian Jiang
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IPPS
Authors Yi-Hua E. Yang, Viktor K. Prasanna, Chenqian Jiang
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