

Identifying User Interface Patterns from Pertinent Multimodal Interaction Use Cases

14 years 3 months ago
Identifying User Interface Patterns from Pertinent Multimodal Interaction Use Cases
The context of this work is usability engineering for multimodal interaction. In contrast to other work centrates on prototyping toolkits or abstract guidelines, this research focuses on user interface patterns for multimodal interaction. The topics of this work are not implementation centric patterns but rather user-task-near interface patterns. On the one hand higher level patterns that are based on the general principles of the multimodal design space (patterns of multimodal combination and multimodal adaptation) are described, as well as more concrete use case specific patterns on the other hand. At first pattern candidates are derived from knowledge about how multimodality can enhance usability. At the same time literature is mined for real solutions as patterns are only valid as long as they describe proven solutions from the real world. Along with this, relationships between patterns are depicted in the context of these interaction use cases.
Andreas Ratzka
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where MC
Authors Andreas Ratzka
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