

Image-Quality-Based Adaptive Face Recognition

13 years 8 months ago
Image-Quality-Based Adaptive Face Recognition
The accuracy of automated face recognition systems is greatly affected by intraclass variations between enrollment and identification stages. In particular, changes in lighting conditions is a major contributor to these variations. Common approaches to address the effects of varying lighting conditions include preprocessing face images to normalize intraclass variations and the use of illumination invariant face descriptors. Histogram equalization is a widely used technique in face recognition to normalize variations in illumination. However, normalizing well-lit face images could lead to a decrease in recognition accuracy. The multiresolution property of wavelet transforms is used in face recognition to extract facial feature descriptors at different scales and frequencies. The high-frequency wavelet subbands have shown to provide illumination-invariant face descriptors. However, the approximation wavelet subbands have shown to be a better feature representation for well-lit face imag...
Harin Sellahewa, Sabah Jassim
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIM
Authors Harin Sellahewa, Sabah Jassim
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