

Implementing Crash Recovery in QuickStore: A Performance Study

14 years 5 months ago
Implementing Crash Recovery in QuickStore: A Performance Study
Implementing crash recovery in an Object-Oriented Database System (OODBMS) raises several challenging issues for performance that are not present in traditional DBMSs. These performance concerns result both from significant architectural differences between OODBMSs and traditional database systems and differences in OODBMS’s target applications. This paper compares the performance of several alternative approaches to implementing crash recovery in an OODBMS based on a client-server architecture. The four basic recovery techniques examined in the paper are termed page differencing, sub-page differencing, whole-page logging, and redo-at-server. All of the recovery techniques were implemented in the context of QuickStore, a memory-mapped store built using the EXODUS Storage Manager, and their performance is compared using the OO7 database benchmark. The results of the performance study show that the techniques based on differencing generally provide superior performance to whole-page ...
Seth J. White, David J. DeWitt
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Seth J. White, David J. DeWitt
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