

Improvements of HITS Algorithms for Spam Links

14 years 7 months ago
Improvements of HITS Algorithms for Spam Links
The HITS algorithm proposed by Kleinberg is one of the representative methods of scoring Web pages by using hyperlinks. In the days when the algorithm was proposed, most of the pages given high score by the algorithm were really related to a given topic, and hence the algorithm could be used to find related pages. However, the algorithm and the variants including BHITS proposed by Bharat and Henzinger cannot be used to find related pages any more on today’s Web, due to an increase of spam links. In this paper, we first propose three methods to find “linkfarms,” that is, sets of spam links forming a densely connected subgraph of a Web graph. We then present an algorithm, called a trustscore algorithm, to give high scores to pages which are not spam pages with a high probability. Combining the three methods and the trust-score algorithm with BHITS, we obtain several variants of the HITS algorithm. We ascertain by experiments that one of them, named TaN+BHITS using the trust-sco...
Yasuhito Asano, Yu Tezuka, Takao Nishizeki
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WAIM
Authors Yasuhito Asano, Yu Tezuka, Takao Nishizeki
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