

Improving Semantic Query Answering

14 years 7 months ago
Improving Semantic Query Answering
The retrieval problem is one of the main reasoning tasks for knowledge base systems. Given a knowledge base K and a concept C, the retrieval problem consists of finding all individuals a for which K logically entails C(a). We present an approach to answer retrieval queries over (a restriction of) OWL ontologies. Our solution is based on reducing the retrieval problem to a problem of evaluating an SQL query over a database constructed from the original knowledge base. We provide complete answers to retrieval problems. Still, our system performs very well as is shown by a standard benchmark.
Norbert Kottmann, Thomas Studer
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where DEXA
Authors Norbert Kottmann, Thomas Studer
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