

Integrating Asynchronous Digital Design Into the Computer Engineering Curriculum

13 years 9 months ago
Integrating Asynchronous Digital Design Into the Computer Engineering Curriculum
Abstract--As demand increases for circuits with higher performance, higher complexity, and decreased feature size, asynchronous (clockless) paradigms will become more widely used in the semiconductor industry, as evidenced by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors' (ITRS) prediction of a likely shift from synchronous to asynchronous design styles in order to increase circuit robustness, decrease power, and alleviate many clock-related issues [1], [2]. ITRS shows that asynchronous circuits accounted for 11% of chip area in 2008, compared to 7% in 2007, and estimates they will account for 23% of chip area by 2014 and 35% of chip area by 2019 [3]. To meet this growing industry need, computer engineering students should be introduced to asynchronous circuit design to make them more marketable and more prepared for the challenges faced by the digital design community for years to come. This paper introduces asynchronous logic design in the context of the familiar synch...
Scott C. Smith, Waleed Al-Assadi, Jia Di
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TE
Authors Scott C. Smith, Waleed Al-Assadi, Jia Di
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