

Interactive SLAM using Laser and Advanced Sonar

14 years 3 months ago
Interactive SLAM using Laser and Advanced Sonar
Abstract— This paper presents a novel approach to mapping for mobile robots that exploits user interaction to semiautonomously create a labelled map of the environment. The robot autonomously follows the user and is provided with a verbal commentary on the current location with phrases such as “Robot, we are in the office”. At the same time, a metric point feature map is generated using fusion of laser and advanced sonar measurements in a Kalman filter based SLAM framework, which is later used for localization. When mapping is complete, the robot generates an occupancy grid for use in global task planning. The occupancy grid is created using a novel laser scan registration scheme that relies on storing the path of the robot along with associated local SLAM features during mapping, and later recovering the path by matching the associated local features to the final SLAM map. The occupancy grid is segmented into labelled rooms using an algorithm based on watershed segmentation a...
Albert Diosi, Geoffrey Taylor, Lindsay Kleeman
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICRA
Authors Albert Diosi, Geoffrey Taylor, Lindsay Kleeman
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