

Just-in-Time Adaptive Classifiers - Part I: Detecting Nonstationary Changes

14 years 1 months ago
Just-in-Time Adaptive Classifiers - Part I: Detecting Nonstationary Changes
Abstract--The stationarity requirement for the process generating the data is a common assumption in classifiers' design. When such hypothesis does not hold, e.g., in applications affected by aging effects, drifts, deviations, and faults, classifiers must react just in time, i.e., exactly when needed, to track the process evolution. The first step in designing effective just-in-time classifiers requires detection of the temporal instant associated with the process change, and the second one needs an update of the knowledge base used by the classification system to track the process evolution. This paper addresses the change detection aspect leaving the design of just-in-time adaptive classification systems to a companion paper. Two completely automatic tests for detecting nonstationarity phenomena are suggested, which neither require a priori information nor assumptions about the process generating the data. In particular, an effective computational intelligence-inspired test is p...
Cesare Alippi, Manuel Roveri
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TNN
Authors Cesare Alippi, Manuel Roveri
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