

Leadership Roles and Communication Issues in Partially Distributed Emergency Response Software Development Teams: A Pilot Study

14 years 4 months ago
Leadership Roles and Communication Issues in Partially Distributed Emergency Response Software Development Teams: A Pilot Study
Emergencies often require interorganizational and/or international coordination for effective planning and response. Therefore, planning and response teams are often configured as partially distributed teams. A partially distributed team (PDT) is a virtual team, in which some sub-groups are collocated, yet the subgroups are dispersed from each other, and communication between them is primarily by electronic media. We describe a project investigating different configurations of group and sub-group distribution and leadership in global PDTs engaged in tasks related to emergency response; in this paper we focus on results related to the leadership configuration (each of two subgroups in a team chose a local leader) and communication issues. Analysis of pilot data has helped us to articulate key leadership roles and suggests that significant ingroup/out-group divides occurred. Implications for practitioners and future research plans are discussed.
Linda Plotnick, Rosalie J. Ocker, Starr Roxanne Hi
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Linda Plotnick, Rosalie J. Ocker, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Mary Beth Rosson
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