

Learning Game-Specific Spatially-Oriented Heuristics

14 years 1 months ago
Learning Game-Specific Spatially-Oriented Heuristics
This paper describes an architecture that begins with enough general knowledge to play any board game as a novice, and then shifts its decision-making emphasis to learned, game-specific, spatiallyoriented heuristics. From its playing experience, it acquires game-specific knowledge about both patterns and spatial concepts. The latter are proceduralized as learned, spatially-oriented heuristics. These heuristics represent a new level of feature aggregation that effectively focuses the program’s attention. While training against an external expert, the program integrates these heuristics robustly. After training it exhibits both a new emphasis on spatially-oriented play and the ability to respond to novel situations in a spatially-oriented manner. This significantly improves performance against a variety of opponents. In addition, we address the issue of context on pattern learning. The procedures described here move toward learning spatially-oriented heuristics for autonomous programs...
Susan L. Epstein, Jack Gelfand, Esther Lock
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Susan L. Epstein, Jack Gelfand, Esther Lock
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