

Leveraging Aspect-Connectors to Improve Stability of Product-Line Variabilities

14 years 19 days ago
Leveraging Aspect-Connectors to Improve Stability of Product-Line Variabilities
Abstract--One of the design goals of Product Line Architectures (PLAs) is to remain stable while accommodating changes of stakeholder's requirements. However, the stability of a PLA is largely dependent on how modularized are the decisions crosscutting multiple architectural variation points. Their scattered implementation often leads to a number of side effects, such as architecture-wide modifications. This paper proposes a novel component model to encapsulate architectural variation points inside aspect-connectors, called Connector-VPs. Our component model addresses limitations of emerging aspectoriented models, such as XPIs, which do not allow a modular implementation of crosscutting variability decisions in a PLA. The role of a Connector-VP is both binding aspectuallevel components to base-level ones, and isolating crosscutting decisions at architectural variation points. We have evaluated the PLA stability designed using our solution in the presence of heterogeneous evolution...
Marcelo Oliveira Dias, Leonardo Tizzei, Ceí
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Marcelo Oliveira Dias, Leonardo Tizzei, Ceíilia M. F. Rubira, Alessandro F. Garcia, Jaejoon Lee
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