

Lifetime-resource tradeoff for multicast traffic in wireless sensor networks

13 years 4 months ago
Lifetime-resource tradeoff for multicast traffic in wireless sensor networks
In this paper, we study the problem of supporting multicast traffic in wireless sensor networks with network coding. On one hand, coding operations can reduce power consumption and consequently improve the network lifetime. On the other hand, performing network coding requires the use of the limited resources of the sensor nodes such as memory and energy. We study the tradeoff between maximizing the network lifetime and minimizing the number of network coding operations. We introduce the coding flow variables which enable us to determine the rate at which different operations (e.g., forwarding, replication, coding) are performed in each sensor node. Using the coding flow variables, we formulate the maximum-lifetime minimum-resource (MLMR) coding subgraph problem as a linear programming problem. The objective in MLMR problem is to jointly maximize the network lifetime and minimize the rate of performing network coding. We propose an MLMR algorithm in order to obtain the optimal coding s...
Vahid Shah-Mansouri, Vincent W. S. Wong
Added 23 May 2011
Updated 23 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TWC
Authors Vahid Shah-Mansouri, Vincent W. S. Wong
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