

On-Line Monitoring of Large Petri Net Models Under Partial Observation

14 years 2 months ago
On-Line Monitoring of Large Petri Net Models Under Partial Observation
This paper deals with the on-line monitoring of large systems modeled as Petri Nets under partial observation. The plant observation is given by a subset of transitions whose occurrence is (always) acknowledged by emitting a label received by the monitoring agent at the time of the occurrence. Other transitions not in this subset are silent (unobservable). Usually on-line applications require the computation of how the system has evolved from the last known (or estimated) marking(s) by enumerating the set of all the explanations of the observation received by the monitoring agent, i.e. the set of all allowable traces, such that the execution of these traces from the initial marking would generate the sequence of observed labels in the correct order. This can be accomplished by a forward search algorithm starting from the initial marking. However, the application of forward search techniques to large systems has several disadvantages. Firstly, the set of current allowable markings of t...
George Jiroveanu, René K. Boel, Behzad Bord
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DEDS
Authors George Jiroveanu, René K. Boel, Behzad Bordbar
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