

On-Line Self-Healing of Circuits Implemented on Reconfigurable FPGAs

14 years 4 months ago
On-Line Self-Healing of Circuits Implemented on Reconfigurable FPGAs
i To boost logic density and reduce per unit power consumption SRAM-based FPGAs manufacturers adopted nanometric technologies. However, this technology is highly vulnerable to radiation-induced faults, which affect values stored in memory cells, and to manufacturing imperfections. Fault tolerant implementations, based on Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) infrastructures, help to keep the correct operation of the circuit. However, TMR is not sufficient to guarantee the safe operation of a circuit. Other issues like module placement, the effects of MultiBit Upsets (MBU) or fault accumulation, have also to be addressed. In case of a fault occurrence the correct operation of the affected module must be restored and/or the current state of the circuit coherently re-established. A solution that enables the autonomous restoration of the functional definition of the affected module, avoiding fault accumulation, re-establishing the correct circuit state in real-time, while keeping the normal oper...
Manuel G. Gericota, Luís F. Lemos, Gustavo
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Manuel G. Gericota, Luís F. Lemos, Gustavo R. Alves, José M. Ferreira
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