

Link Stability in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 2 months ago
Link Stability in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
In this paper, we develop adaptive metrics to identify stable links in a mobile wireless networking environment based on the analysis of link durations in several different mobility scenarios. Our metrics only rely on online statistical evaluation of observed link durations. Neither do they require information on signal strength, radio conditions, or spacing of the mobile devices, nor do they depend on the availability of additional hardware such as GPS receivers or a synchronisation of the devices. We demonstrate the ability of the metrics to select stable links with a high probability in a wide range of scenarios.
Michael Gerharz, Christian de Waal, Matthias Frank
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where LCN
Authors Michael Gerharz, Christian de Waal, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini
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