

Low-Depth Witnesses are Easy to Find

14 years 6 months ago
Low-Depth Witnesses are Easy to Find
Antunes, Fortnow, van Melkebeek and Vinodchandran captured the notion of non-random information by computational depth, the difference between the polynomialtime-bounded Kolmogorov complexity and traditional Kolmogorov complexity. We show unconditionally how to probabilistically find satisfying assignments for formulas that have at least one assignment of logarithmic depth. The converse holds under a standard hardness assumption though fails if BPP = FewP = EXP. We also show that assuming good pseudorandom generators one cannot increase the depth of a string efficiently.
Luis Antunes 0002, Lance Fortnow, Alexandre Pinto,
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where COCO
Authors Luis Antunes 0002, Lance Fortnow, Alexandre Pinto, Andre Souto
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