

Mathematical programming models of discrete event system dynamics

14 years 3 months ago
Mathematical programming models of discrete event system dynamics
Analytical models for the dynamics of some discrete event systems are introduced where the system trajectories are solutions to linear and mixed-integer programs. 1 BACKGROUND The dynamics of continuous systems are often modeled by a set of differential equations that express the relationships between rates of changes in the values of system state variables. Given an initial state and boundary conditions, these equations completely specify a model of the system's dynamic behavior. When this system of differential equations is particularly simple or has some special properties, it can be solved analytically to find the system's path of motion (trajectory). However, many interesting models are too complex to solve analytically and must be simulated by numerically integrating the set of differential equations. If the system is modeled using random processes, then the simulations can be used to generate sample paths for statistical analysis. In a somewhat analogous manner, the r...
Lee Schruben
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where WSC
Authors Lee Schruben
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