

Mining and Improving Composite Web Services Recovery Mechanisms

14 years 2 months ago
Mining and Improving Composite Web Services Recovery Mechanisms
: Ensuring composite services reliability is a challenging problem. Indeed, due to the inherent autonomy and heterogeneity of Web services it is difficult to predict and reason about the behavior of the overall composite service. Generally, previous approaches develop, using their modeling formalisms, a set of techniques to analyze the composition model and check "correctness" properties. Although powerful, these approaches may fail, in some cases, to ensure CS reliable executions even if they formally validate its composition model. This is because properties specified in the studied composition model remains assumptions that may not coincide with the reality (i.e. effective CS executions). Sharing the same issue, we present a reengineering approach that starts from CS executions log to improve its recovery mechanisms. Basically, we propose a set of mining techniques to discover CS transactional behavior from an event based log. Then, based on this mining step, we use a set ...
Sami Bhiri, Walid Gaaloul, Claude Godart
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JWSR
Authors Sami Bhiri, Walid Gaaloul, Claude Godart
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