

Modelling the Time-Variant Covariates for Gait Recognition

14 years 7 months ago
Modelling the Time-Variant Covariates for Gait Recognition
This paper deals with a problem of recognition by gait when time-dependent covariates are added, i.e. when 6 months have passed between recording of the gallery and the probe sets. We show how recognition rates fall significantly when data is captured between lengthy time intevals, for static and dynamic gait features. Under the assumption that it is possible to have some subjects from the probe for training and that similar subjects have similar changes in gait over time, a predictive model of changes in gait is suggested in this paper, which can improve the recognition capability. A small number of subjects were used for training and a much large number for classification and the probe contains the covariate data for a smaller number of subjects. Our new predictive model derives high recognition rates for different features which is a considerable improvement on recognition capability without this new approach.
Galina V. Veres, Mark S. Nixon, John N. Carter
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Galina V. Veres, Mark S. Nixon, John N. Carter
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