

Modelling Voice Communication in Disaster Area Scenarios

14 years 7 months ago
Modelling Voice Communication in Disaster Area Scenarios
This paper deals with voice communication models for disaster area scenarios. The goal is to design models that can be used to generate realistic push to talk traffic for single talk groups. The modelling is based on an analysis of empirical measurements during a catastrophe maneuver. The analysis shows that the time series comprise heavy load periods and significant correlations. Based on these characteristics, different Markov and Semi-Markov models are considered. Synthetic traffic streams for the different models are generated and evaluated by visual and statistical analysis. Finally, a case study outlines the impact of the different traffic models in network performance simulation.
Nils Aschenbruck, Michael Gerharz, Matthias Frank,
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where LCN
Authors Nils Aschenbruck, Michael Gerharz, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini
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