

Multiagent Meta-level Control for a Network of Weather Radars

13 years 11 months ago
Multiagent Meta-level Control for a Network of Weather Radars
It is crucial for embedded systems to adapt to the dynamics of open environments. This adaptation process becomes especially challenging in the context of multiagent systems. In this paper, we argue that multiagent meta-level control is an effective way to determine when this adaptation process should be done and how much effort should be invested in adaptation as opposed to continuing with the current action plan. We develop a reinforcement learning based mechanism for multiagent meta-level control that facilitates the metalevel control component of each agent to learn policies in a decentralized fashion that (a) it can efficiently support agent interactions with other agents and (b) reorganize the underlying network when needed. We evaluate this mechanism in the context of a multiagent tornado tracking application called NetRads. Empirical results show that adaptive multiagent meta-level control significantly improves the performance of the tornado tracking network for a variety of ...
Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja, Victor R. Lesser
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IAT
Authors Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja, Victor R. Lesser
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