

Mutual Information-Based 3D Surface Matching with Applications to Face Recognition and Brain Mapping

14 years 7 months ago
Mutual Information-Based 3D Surface Matching with Applications to Face Recognition and Brain Mapping
Face recognition and many medical imaging applications require the computation of dense correspondence vector fields that match one surface with another. In brain imaging, surface-based registration is useful for tracking brain change, and for creating statistical shape models of anatomy. Based on surface correspondences, metrics can also be designed to measure differences in facial geometry and expressions. To avoid the need for a large set of manually-defined landmarks to constrain these surface correspondences, we developed an algorithm to automate the matching of surface features. It extends the mutual information method to automatically match general 3D surfaces (including surfaces with a branching topology). We use diffeomorphic flows to optimally align the Riemann surface structures of two surfaces. First, we use holomorphic 1forms to induce consistent conformal grids on both surfaces. High genus surfaces are mapped to a set of rectangles in the Euclidean plane, and closed g...
Yalin Wang, Ming-Chang Chiang, Paul M. Thompson
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICCV
Authors Yalin Wang, Ming-Chang Chiang, Paul M. Thompson
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