

Narnia: A Virtual Machine for Multimedia Communication Services

14 years 2 months ago
Narnia: A Virtual Machine for Multimedia Communication Services
Narnia is middleware that helps programmers build multimedia communication services. This middleware ollection of familiar programming abstractions— including events, event handlers, resources, sessions, and user roles—to provide both a service development environment and a service execution environment. The run-time environment—the Narnia virtual machine— provides means for creating, transmitting, and consuming events as well as means for creating, loading, and executing sessions and event handlers. The Narnia middleware has served as the development and execution platform for a few applications—including an audio/video chat application and a SIP proxy simulator. The paper reports on how well these applications handle various user request workloads. These early system performance measurements indicate the effectiveness of Narnia in supporting development and deployment of scalable network multimedia services. Keywords Distributed multimedia applications, events, sessions, r...
Mauricio Cortes, J. Robert Ensor
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where MSE
Authors Mauricio Cortes, J. Robert Ensor
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