

Near-optimal sparse fourier representations via sampling

15 years 7 days ago
Near-optimal sparse fourier representations via sampling
d Abstract] A. C. Gilbert S. Guhay P. Indykz S. Muthukrishnan M. Strauss We give an algorithm for nding a Fourier representation R of B terms for a given discrete signal A of length N, such that kA ; Rk2 2 is within the factor (1 + ) of best possible kA ; Roptk2 2. Our algorithm can access A by reading its values on a sample set T 0 N), chosen randomly from a (non-product) distribution of our choice, independent of A. That is, we sample non-adaptively. The total time cost of the algorithm is polynomial in Blog(N)log(M)= (where M is the ratio of largest to smallest numerical quantity encountered), which implies a similar bound for the number of samples.
Anna C. Gilbert, Sudipto Guha, Piotr Indyk, S. Mut
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where STOC
Authors Anna C. Gilbert, Sudipto Guha, Piotr Indyk, S. Muthukrishnan, Martin Strauss
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