

A New Distinguisher for Clock Controlled Stream Ciphers

14 years 3 months ago
A New Distinguisher for Clock Controlled Stream Ciphers
In this paper we present a distinguisher targeting towards irregularly clocked filter generators. The attack is applied on the irregularly clocked stream cipher called LILI-II. LILI-II is the successor of the cipher LILI-128 and its design was published in [1]. There have been no known attacks better than exhaustive key search on LILI-II. Our attack is the first of this kind that distinguishes the cipher output from a random source using 2103 bits of keystream using computational complexity of approximately 2103 operations.
Håkan Englund, Thomas Johansson
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where FSE
Authors Håkan Englund, Thomas Johansson
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