

A Normal Form for Linear Temporal Equilibrium Logic

14 years 17 days ago
A Normal Form for Linear Temporal Equilibrium Logic
In previous work, the so-called Temporal Equilibrium Logic (TEL) was introduced. This formalism provides an extension of the Answer Set semantics for logic programs to arbirary theories in the syntax of Linear Temporal Logic. It has been already shown that, in the nontemporal case, arbitrary propositional theories can always be reduced to logic program rules (with disjunction and negation in the head) independently on the context. That is, logic programs constitute a normal form for the non-temporal case. In this paper we show that TEL can be similarly reduced to a normal form consisting of a set of implications (embraced by a necessity operator) quite close to logic program rules. This normal form may be useful both for a practical implementation of TEL and a simpler analysis of theoretical problems.
Pedro Cabalar
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Pedro Cabalar
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