

Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes

15 years 2 months ago
Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes
We construct binary codes for fingerprinting. Our codes for n users that are -secure against c pirates have length O(c2 log(n/ )). This improves the codes proposed by Boneh and Shaw [3] whose length is approximately the square of this length. Our codes are probabilistic. By proving matching lower bounds we establish that the length of these codes is best within a constant factor for reasonable error probabilities. This lower bound generalizes the bound found independently by Peikert, Shelat, and Smith [10] that applies to a limited class of codes. Our results also imply that randomized fingerprint codes over a binary alphabet are as powerful as over an arbitrary alphabet, and also the equal strength of two distinct models for fingerprinting. Categories and Subject Descriptors E.3 [Data Encryption]: Standards General Terms Security, Theory Keywords cryptography, fingerprint, collusion-secure codes
Gábor Tardos
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where STOC
Authors Gábor Tardos
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